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Interested in providing mentoring services to youth, in our office or directly in our community?


We are seeking volunteers for our workshops and mentors for our mentoring program!


Our Mentor Program aims to provide mentor services to youth ages 9-21. It is designed for youth who are overcoming stressors such as immigration status, poverty, discrimination, neglect, abuse, addictions and instability in their homes and school truancy in their lives.


Our program aims to encourage middle and high school youth to self-empower themselves towards their goals.


Our programs are held in Montgomery County (Gaithersburg, Germantown, Montgomery Village and Rockville), Maryland.


Let us know what you’re interested in doing, and we’ll gladly find something that fits your interests and our needs!

To become a volunteer or mentor please fill out the form below and answer one of the essay questions.

Essay Questions

*Share your strengths and your weaknesses

*Describe one of the most challenging moment in a workplace environment and explain the way you handled it

*Discuss your personal vision as well as understand your mentor role model


Once submitted, someone from our GOFY team will contact you shortly.

Thank you!


Full Name *

Email *

Phone *

Address *

Please answer one of the essay questions listed above

Success! Form submitted.

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